Thursday 9 January 2020


Stencyl: Crash Course 1

What did you do?

Set the display

Actor: Noni

Set Noni in the actor group

Noni is our main character


Tiles collision boundary

The code of the walking behaviors 

Adding behaviors to the actor: Noni

Available behaviors

Adding animations to walking behavior

Now Noni will die when he is our of the screen and the screen will reload itself

Actor type: Enemy
The clown is the enemy

Set as the enemy group

Add stompable behavior to the clown

Now he will die if Noni stomp on him

Scene setting

Game play GIF

The first game ever created by me

What did you learn?
I learned how to manage the characters.
Change their properties, looks and behaviors.

What will you do tomorrow?

I'm going to design the game 
and then
I'll study more about Stencyl at

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