Thursday 23 January 2020


Stencyl: My own game finale Ending screen

Create anther scene

Named it End Screen

Used vertical gradient to make the scene more skylike

Design the End screen

Created a new actor type the "REAL" end flag

Smallest scale  

Set the main character as if it collides the "real" clear flag then the scene changes to end screen

Can't find it eh??

Hid it so it's not visible to players

Second stage routes







Tuesday 21 January 2020


Stecyl: My own game Level 2

Level 2

Changed the behaviors of  the character to "Die on collisions with group" Set it as group of enemies

Changed the flag's collision
and set clear flag as a fake clear flag which kills the player

Set the fake flag in the enemy group

Change its physics unless it will fall down

Scale and image of the flag

Level 2 finished setting


Tomorrow I will create real end flag and end scene if I can

Monday 20 January 2020


Stencyl: Tutorial and My own game



Finished the tutorial

In the tutorial...

Made it jump (by adding jump behavior and animations)

But kept rotating

Fix it in physics (cannot rotate)

Jumping look of the character setting

Creating scene

So far the end of the scene

Jumping motion setting

Added animations to the jumping behavior

Gravity (must need if not the character flies away)

Camera follow (must need too if not screen doesn't follow the character)

Enemy setting

Enemy (If the actor collides, it dies)

Change the look of the first scene ,and difficulty

STAGE 1 completed

Difficulty: Not so easy

Tuesday 14 January 2020


Stencyl: Tutorial

Part 1

Setting up

Setting up for background

Always adjust the scale first
If not the background is going to look creepy

Like this

Scale first 

 It took me an hour to figure this out

Tomorrow I'm going to try to finish until Part 5